Heritage Management Plan – Open House

The Village of Cumberland is inviting residents to share their vision about the future of Cumberland’s heritage at an open house on Saturday, April 16. Through the open house and an online questionnaire (available April 16 to May 31), the Village will begin to create a vision and strategies for the conservation of Cumberland’s heritage in a community heritage management plan.
Heritage Management Plan Open House
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Cumberland Council Chamber (next to the Fire Hall)
Workshop #1: 10 am to noon
Workshop #2: 1 pm to 3 pm
Residents will have the opportunity to identify features that they think have heritage value – including buildings, industrial sites, parks, cemeteries, landscapes, trails and community events. This information about the places, stories, history and vision that contributed to the heritage and character of Cumberland will be collected to help identify the community’s heritage values. Strategies and tools for the conservation of buildings and sites will also be reviewed.
The open house takes place at the Cumberland Council Chambers at 2673 Dunsmuir Avenue (next to the Fire Hall) on Saturday, April 16 from 10 am to 3 pm. Workshop sessions will be held from 10 am to noon and from 1 to 3 pm, however you are welcome to drop in anytime.
Background Information on the Heritage Master Plan
In 2016, the Village will develop a new Heritage Management Plan for the Village, which will include an inventory of heritage values and a community heritage register.
When completed, the heritage management plan will:
• provide an overarching policy framework to guide heritage conservation now and into the future
• set out priorities for heritage conservation activities based on the identified heritage values and sites; including a conservation plan for Village owned assets (including municipal cemeteries) and the identification of tools to be utilized for the conservation of heritage values and sites on non-municipal property within the Village
• set out goals and activities to reach those goals for year 1 and years 2-5
The development of the plan will involve enhanced community consultation through 2016.
For more info visit https://cumberland.ca/topics/heritage/



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