The 2021 May Queen Ceremony
Congratulations to Kelly Everill, winner of Cumberland Events Society’s T-shirt contest!
May 11, 2021
These Limited Edition T-shirts ($40.00) can be bought from Society members: Judy Hamm, Trisha Stockand, Ian McLean, Robbin Frame, Marianne Bell, Leann Anderson, and Janet Martyn, or by contacting
All proceeds from the t-shirt sales go to the Cumberland Events Society for the Cumberland Victoria Day Celebrations.
More of Kelly ‘s art can be found at
The CES would like to thank their sponsors: The Village of Cumberland, Slegg Building Materials and Currently Cumberland.
Keep your eyes on this post to know all about Victoria Day Celebrations in 2021, including the May Queen Video to be released on May 24th.
Great place Cumberland. My parents lived and retired there and passed away there too
but I also spent some valuable time in the area and it is one of my favourite places.
I keep in touch with some friends there still and do admire the community drive and spirit of the Village and the beauty of the region.
Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia. The catch of the Russian vaccine to the motherland was accompanied conclude a political scandal and led to the forgoing of Prime Plenipotentiary Igor Matovich and a revamp of the government. As a evolve, the wilderness received the Russian vaccine, teeth of the phenomenon that neither the European regulator nor the WHO has still approved it.
In neighboring Hungary, which approved the fritter away of Sputnik in February as the straightforward in Europe, more than 50% of the mature citizens has already been vaccinated; in Russia – a minuscule more than 10%. In Slovakia, five thousand people signed up in town of the Sputnik vaccination.
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