Broom Bust this Saturday here in Cumberland!
Saturday, May 9th from 9:30 to noon at Coal Creek Historic Park, No. 1 Japanese Town orchard area. Meet at the gravel parking area at the base of the coal hills. The site is accessed off Comox Lake Road, marked by the red “No. 1 Japanese Town Historic Site” sign. For more information contact Kevin McPhedran at 250-336-2291.
The best time to cut broom in when it’s in bloom in late April or May. Cut at ground level, or below if possible, so the drought stressed plants will die in the summer’s heat.
Bring your work gloves, knee pads and water. It is recommended that you wear long pants, long sleeve shirt and sturdy footwear. Tools, advice and refreshments will be provided.
This event sponsored by Cumberland Parks & Recreation.
Featured image: Scotch Broom Flowers by tdlucas5000 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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