Beer Fights Cavities?

Beer Fights Cavities?
Cumberland rocks!  Even the village dentist, Cumberland Dental Centre, has a love for beer and its amazing ability to fight cavities!?! Check out this article they recently published on their facebook page at
Beer Fights Cavities?

Indirectly, sort of, OK not really but work with me here. As most of us know, hops are what gives beer its bitterness and aroma. Scientists recently reported that hop leaves (AKA bracts), the part of the hop plants that isn’t used for making beer, contains healthful antioxidants and could be used to battle cavities and gum disease.

Hop leaves (bracts) contain antioxidant polyphenols that could help fight cavities and gum disease. Extracts from bracts stopped the bacteria responsible for these dental conditions from being able to stick to surfaces and prevented the release of some bacterial toxins.

So there you have it. If it wasn’t for beer production farmers would not grow hops, and because the process of making beer does not use the hop leaves they are available for this scientific breakthrough. Therefore beer plays a role in the prevention of cavities. Ain’t science grand!

Cumberland Dental Centre shares that beer fights cavities and thankfully the Cumberland Brewing Company supplies it! |Currently Cumberland



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