Annual Thunderballs event returns Monday May 22nd

Annual Thunderballs event returns Monday May 22nd
Photo Credit: Karen McKinnon

The 4th Annual Thunderballs event takes place Monday May 22nd, 9:30 AM in downtown Cumberland. This event features 4,000 golf balls rolling down Dunsmuir Avenue in an exciting race! The first 14 balls to cross the finish line win a prize. 1st prize is $1,000 cash.

Thunderballs 2017 is an important fundraiser for the Cumberland Community Schools Society (CCSS). Proceeds from this event support CCSS’s registered charity efforts that provide free after-school programming, a healthy lunch program and a drop-in youth centre at Cumberland Community School.

“Thanks to the generosity of the local business community, we have some incredible prizes lined up for this year including Riders Pizza for a year,  the Waverley Experience, gift certificate to Dodge City Cycles and more,” says CCSS Executive Director Sue Loveless. “Over the past 2 years we have expanded our services and witnessed a significant increase in demand for our programs. The success of this event will help to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our growing community”.

CCSS would like to thank  Hinterland Studio, this year’s Platinum Sponsor,  along with the many other local businesses who are supporting Thunderballs 2017.

The event takes place on Dunsmuir Avenue between 1st and 2nd street, before the Victoria Day Parade and promises to be great entertainment for all ages! Tickets are $5 each, or $20 for 5, and available from Tarbell’s Deli, the Cumberland Recreation Centre and at Cumberland Village Market Day (Saturday May 20).

To learn more about CCSS and their community programming, services and events, visit

Thunderballs 2017| Currently Cumberland



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